Geotechtronics GmbH
Pollinger Str. 3 • D-82362 Weilheim i.OBOffice hours
Mo-Sa: 9:00-18:00Unusual applications and special materials are not that rare in industrial printing these days. Of course, this also includes printing on metal with a printer . A common use case is certainly the printing of Serial numbers or expiry dates on cans - for example when packaging food or pet food. But also in the intermediate trade - for example with honey or oils - metal barrels and containers are used for transport, as they offer good protection against UV light and are durable and stable. The metals can be printed on with an handheld inkjet printers effectively to have all important product information directly on the product itself.
In principle, an inkjet gun is the only handy way to print on metal. The handheld printer simply passes the obejct to print on and the desired content is "thrown" on its surface. So the surfaces can also be curved or corrugated. Stationary printers can not be so flexible to different object shapes (metal plate, metal barrel, metal can, ...). They usually only print flat. Likewise, the inkjet gun also prints on slightly uneven or rough surfaces.
Inkjet printers are also comparatively inexpensive solutions. This applies in particular to monochrome printing. Ink is available in a wide variety of qualities and price ranges, so that you can choose freely depending on the application. Typical home user problems, such as ink drying or clogging of the print nozzles, rarely occur in industrial use due to the frequency of use. An inkjet gun is therefore also low-maintenance and less prone to errors. There is currently no better solution for printing on metal.
The NasaJet® hand printer is the right choice for everyone who is looking for a professional solution for printing metal in industrial applications. Its comparatively low purchase price and low consumption costs quickly pay off in everyday life. Whether in the warehouse, in the shop or in production - the application possibilities are diverse and the possible time savings are great. We would be happy to demonstrate the NasaJet® hand printer to you personally.