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General HD119 ink

HD119 Ink Cartridges General
HD119 Ink Cartridges General

Anyone looking for a professional solution to their commercial printing problems is well served with General's HD119 Ink Cartridges. General's HD119 ink actively addresses common printing problems such as nozzle clogging and is energy efficient. The manufacturer General has been developing and producing high-quality products for printing needs since 1914. In addition to branches in Tokyo and Osaka, it also has many branches in the rest of Asia.

The General HD119 is a hybrid ink designed to achieve clean print results and high density printing even at low resolutions. The ink is particularly suitable for porous and semi-porous substrates such as handicraft paper, corrugated cardboard, clay-coated paper, wood and much more.

The General HD119 Ink Cartridges are available to us as a private or commercial customer at a reasonable price. Ask us about special conditions for larger quantities and other products from General Ink Cartridges.

General industrial-quality ink cartridges

Our HD119 inks from General have been specially developed to meet the tough requirements of industrial use. General ink delivers high quality and reliability at a low price. They are primarily designed to increase productivity in everyday business life. The general ink cartridges we offer almost all have short drying times, a razor-sharp print image and long decap times. They are suitable for text printing as well as for large-format graphics and monochrome pictures. The ink is also suitable for use in our NasaJet® hand printer.

General HD119 ink cartridges for commercial and private use

Name Description Type /
• Extra high density ink for porous and semi porous substrates
• Excellent Decap time of 1 hour or more
• Water proof, excellent light fastness

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